Register VMWare ESXi 5.5 to Solarwinds

esxcli system snmp set –communities password
esxcli system snmp set –enable true
esxcli network firewall ruleset set –ruleset-id snmp –allowed-all false
esxcli network firewall ruleset allowedip add –ruleset-id snmp –ip-address
esxcli network firewall ruleset set –ruleset-id snmp –enabled true
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart

This is just for my reference but you can message me if you need help. Thank you!

Synchronize using robocopy

Batch File

@ echo off
robocopy Z:\ “F:\Production\Test” /FFT /COPY:DT /MIR /R:2 /W:5 /MT:32 /LOG:Pass2.TXT /TEE


Source = Z:\

Destination = F:\Production\Test


/Copy:DT = Copy date and time stamp

/MIR = Mirror

/R:2 = retry after two failure

/W:5 = Wait for five seconds then retry

/MT:32 = Multiple Thread

note: This is just for my own reference.